How to redirect Star TSP100 USB Printer in a Citrix session on IGEL OS?

I’m trying to redirect Star TSP100 USB Printer in a Citrix session on Igel UD3 Lx10.05.800. Connecting on a Windows device, it works. I configure following profile: Devices=>Printer=>CUPS=>Printers :

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Mapping in Citrix session: In Cirtix session I see the client printer but when trying to print, nothinhg happens

I mapped it trough Usb redirection

Hi @member is the printer driver name to 100% the same on Terminalserver side? I mean Case sensitive, blanks etc?

Printer driver is 100% same: Star TSP143GT Cutter. When I esend print job, I see in Process monitor “ICA – Output Printer Bandwidth ” the data sent to the printer but nothing happens.

Did you tried to send a test printjob locally on Igel by opening a Firefox and print a Webpage?

I din’t try locally and it seems also not to work. I can select the printer but no output …

This printer has a CUPS .ppd driver, it might be worth trying to install the custom driver in the /wfs as described in the Knowledge Base and setting up the Printer using this custom driver:

FYI the second link above is from here :

in a terminal:

lpq -a would show stuckedprint jobs

lpstsat -t shows CUPS infos

it has to do with the printer driver TSP100, I guess When trying another USB Printer Lexmark everything works fine.

Would it be fine for you then, or do you need further help?

I’ll look further to try to resolve this. I need the TSP100 printer. I’ve used the Lexmark printer for testing.

When trying to print from local Firefox: Status= Sending data to printer

via secure terminal I see this: tsp143.ppd is the Lx driver

FYI: You cannot print locally when you configure the printer as a raw queue, because it has no local driver but relies on the driver on the VDI, to send preprocessed data to the TC which passes it verbatim to the printer.

The linux driver David mentioned needs a ppd and a special rasterizer. This rasterizer is a linux binary which speaks the native language of the printer. So you need to deploy both ppd and rasterizer to the right place and the right permissions and ownership.

The easiest way I see is to use the usb redirection

@member good to know! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for all this info. Tomorrow, another day. Learning more on rasterizer πŸ˜€

My terminology was a little off: It’s a cups filter, not a rasterizer. But the actual name of the filter of your printer is rastertostar (as mentioned in the tsp143.ppd).

The rastertostar needs to be extracted from the rpm.

Bad news from the rastertostar filter: It’s an old i386 binary which would need IGEL’s 32-bit runtime be extended by quite a bit. Or better be recompiled

(I have also a Start label printer here, currently, which as the same problem).

So I recommend to try the USB redirection.

Thanks for the info! Shame that the CUPS driver won’t work. I agree, try USB redirection in this case πŸ™‚

So USB Redirection means I’m back to the beginning of this thread or do I miss something ?

No, you are rightπŸ˜‘πŸ˜₯

Wait.. what? @member weren’t you using CUPS printer settings at the beginning?

Native USB Redirection is a different setting, found in Settings > Citrix > HDX/ICA Global > Native USB Redirection and will redirect a USB device to a remote session regardless of device.

@member is Native USB Redirection working OK for you?

Actually I got the filter compiled on ubuntu 16.04/x64 in the meantime. Initially it looked like it could only compile on much older cups versions. But hit <make> and there you go.


@member can you put me in the right direction how I can make this work.. Much appreciated!

Didn’t get trough yesterday.

Now: contains an

archicve StarTSP.tgz, which conatains the fiter binary rastertostar and ppds for TSP143 and my TSP654:

Should be integrated in the UMS as:

Classification: Undefined

Location: /wfs/StarTSP.tgz

Ownser Root, read premissions for owner and others

Import also the Profile

Add Profile and the imported File to the TC or Group of TCs

Due to the profile the cups filter and ppds are installed by custom command.

There is also a Printer predefined for a StarTSP143 which is connected as first USB printer.

Hope you are familiar with UMS profiles and files.

I can confirm local printing via Firefox is working now. πŸ˜€. However when launching a Citrix session, I see the client printer but when trying to print, no output. Via Secure Terminal I see the print job and disappearing after a while(lpq -a) but also the message “Sending data to printer” ( lpstat -t). I use the custom Windows Driver Name “Star TSP100 Cutter (TSP143). With Generic driver there is no client printer in the Citrix session.

Im no expert in Citrix, but to my understanding, if you use the “Star TSP100 Cutter…”, driver, it already sends preprocessed data (for the TSP143). With this data the raw queue printer of your TC should be fed. But we now have the a local driver. We now need the Citrix/Universaldriver which should adapt to the properties which the local driver (on the TC) provides (e.g. Paper size and the special label features like cutter, etc). At least this is what thinprint in Horizon session does.

Citrix person should adwise here πŸ˜‰

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