How to run WVD session in a maximized window on IGEL OS

Hi all,

What’s the timing of init_action for sessions? I’m trying to call a wmctrl command to maximize a WVD window. Is it as soon as the program opens or when a resource is connected to?

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wmctrl -r “Remote Desktop” -b add,maximized_vert,maximized_horz;


you could create a Custom Application that does:

/bin/sh /config/sessions/yourSession && yourWMCTRLCommand

How can I specify other options in my Custom Application such as “Workspace resource to automatically start when connected” value?

usually with:

Autostart requires network

Wanted to let the community know how we got WVD maximize implemented after working with @member.

We use this code in a custom app which calls our WVD session and uses wmctrl to handle the window actions

/config/sessions/wvd4 & sleep 1; wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,maximized_vert,maximized_horz;

We use the ACTIVE switch to specify the app the user just opened as using the “Remote Desktop” app name doesn’t work if a user opens multiple sessions before logging in.

Our users are presented multiple WVD icons so for clarity we also rename the app to the name of the WVD session prior to log on

wmctrl -r “Remote Desktop” -N “WVD – Test”;

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