Hi, I need to have an open browser for testing purposes. Ist there a cheat sheet how to setup the profile? Im need to download and manipulate the ICA File before open the citrix session. Thank you so much!! BR Konrad

Hi Konrad, could you share what you are trying test with that procedure?
Hi Sebastien, I still have issues in Voip Calls by using the IGEL(one way audio is missing on incoming calls). If I take the Raspberry or Windows I do not have the Problem. The idea is to have the same ICA File settings and copy this to the Raspberry or maybe a windows to test. Cheers Konrad
Ok, understood! In that case you are trying to reproduce our settings 1:1 on other hardware, right? That‘s a bit tough to replicate it without having the same dependencies. Which kind of VoIP Client is having the issue? Which IGEL OS Firmware are you using?
It is the cisco jabber on 11.05.120
Which JVDI version are you using on VDI side? In Addition, please check if UDP Audio is on when right click the Device, Edit configuration, Registry.
Hi Sebastien, we are not using JVDI. The udpaudio is on and in the Registry too. How can I save the ICA file to open it, like I can do in a normal browser? I am searching the Button “disable browser Kiosk mode”. ;-) any hint? BR Konrad
You can’t disable it without additional tweaks, but since the ICA file will reflect other local configs made inside our CWA integration I don’t think it would help either. The module.ini as an example will hold the changes made in your profiles.
I would rather test, if it works on IGEL OS if the device is on factory defaults. Just in case, you use Jabber but without the corresponding optimization like JVDI, right?
Hi Sebastien, yes we run without the jvdi. Factory default, we have done before serveral times and use only the essentials for remote accessing the IGEL. BR Konrad
Sebastien, can you give me some more details, about additional tweaks? Thank you. BR Konrad
Not sure if that procedure still applies, but if you import this profile, assign it, reboot, it “might” remove the Kiosk XPIs.
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