Hi Thogether, I wanted to come back to the Community for help about this topic:

I was speak to the support and they tell me that they cant give me support if the certificate is not from IGEL or better sayed from the UMS.
Brief overview about my Szenario: I want to connect ICG using an official Certificate from Digicert so it is trusted and users would not need to enter the hash of the certificate when connecting to the ICG. I got the ICG running using an Certificate from the UMS but as I told I want to use the one from digicert. When I change it my ICG goes to status Disconnected.
I dont know where to find logs about what is going wrong or how I could analyze it. Any ideas?
Hi, the first two thoughts are still valid, I‘m expecting an error in your Certificate Chain:
1) please get the latest CA Chain from your vendor and check if there is a key file that needs to be imported to that chain
2) check that the servername is available on Public DNS, and reachable on 8443 via a nc / telnet test
3) check in a browser if your server is reachable without SSL warnings via browser: youricg:8443/usg/endpoint youricg:8443/usg/endpoint
4) check logs in /opt/IGEL/icg/usg/logs/
I was right now checking all your points and when I install the certificate for look at number 5, I wanted to click connect to trigger a log entry. Then I see it is connected. This is strange because a week ago I did the exact same and also took screenshots for support because it was disconnected and it was disconnecting every time i pressed connect in UMS. I will test with a client if it is working now correctly
thank you for the help
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