Maybe it’s a simple thing, but i can’t seem to find the answer for it. If i want to update let’s say a Dell Wyse Thinclient 5070 to IGEL OS i need UDC 3. Is it free to download or is it based on a license? And is UDC 3 the only way to achieve what i want?

Is the Dell device currently running an older version of IGEL OS, or another OS?
Either way, you need to order two items. Workspace Edition license + Maintenance Agreement for that license
Optionally, you can add the Enterprise Pack.
It is running Windows 10 IoT at this point
so there is not a free option?
THere is a 30 (or maybe 90) day free trial available from, but no, it is not free
And to be clear what would i need to get this to work?
Workspace Edition LIcense is the minimum.
That gives you access to UMS (Management Software).
I strongly recommend grabbing the trial license to get a feel for it all.
Yeah i forgot to mention i have 1 M330C Thinclient connected to UMS
Yes, defintely. I would go for the latest OSC:
You can download and install it:
Then you would need licenses:
Ah! Then assuming you are running UMS 6.x, just install IGEL OS 11 on the Dell device, scan for it from UMS – done.
A trial license can “talk” to UMS
And what if the trial expires?
The TC will continue to work, but it will no longer recieve changes from UMS. I think
Ah okay, i see. And just to try what is the best way to install IGEL OS on it?
I would create a USB Stick with the included preparestick.exe or rufus. You could use the PXE Appliance.
And where can i find it?
Did you see my post above?
Now i did, thank you very much!
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