it may be a strange question but … for OS11 i could use OSC to setup a virtual IGEL. Is there a way to get similar Installation-Images for IZ- and/or UD-Devices? I want to test my Configurations in a testing enviroment, but everytime i must change the devices on my desk to test the config. A virtual IGEL is more practical.

Yes, VirtualBox as the hypervisor or VMware. www.igel.com/blog/play-with-igel-in-your-own-sandbox/
The virtualisation is not my question. I am looking fpr the Installation-Media. I need something to put inside the virtualBox 😉. I have found the OSC download, but where to find the Download for IZ/UD?
Oh — I don’t think those are given out. An option may be to convert a physical to virtual… I’m not sure if that will work… something like … docs.vmware.com/en/vCenter-Converter-Standalone/6.2/com.vmware.convsa.guide/GUID-08F9E93F-B849-4BEB-90EB-D6DB78E384C5.html
Hi Manfred, since OS11, there is no real difference between UD and OS like it was on OS10 or earlier.
So, taking the ISO out of the OSC, boot your VM from it, and you should be good!
Just in case, here is a NFR License for a specific Mac, you can use costfree:
OS11 (WE+EMP): igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C9UARUXFC/p1584362623035200 igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C9UARUXFC/p1584362623035200
OS10: igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C9UARUXFC/p1588922758050100 igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C9UARUXFC/p1588922758050100
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