Help With Buddy Update.
We are starting to implement the buddy update method as we have remote sites on 10mb connections.

What I’m struggling to understand is that we have created both the buddy master and buddy client profiles correctly. However do both the server and client need to be put into the latest firmware on the UMS console?
Because at the moment the “slave” client wont recieve the firmware update?
Thanks all in advance
This order is really important :
1) Apply teh Profile for beeing Buddy Master
2) Assign then the Firmware Update
3) Then do the update
After that the device (master) will hold the update for the other branch office devices. Second important notes:
master and slave need to be on the same VLAN/LAN Segment
the slave should only have the Slave profile assigned with automatic Buddy detection, no Firmware updates assigned (even on a higher directory level).
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