Hey all. We are trying to make use of encryptd usb sticks in our Horizon 7.11 desktops – in this case Kingston Lock + G3

Normal USB sticks work fine (we don’t use Vmware’s USB forwarding)
The IGEL OS recognizes the device, but it never presents itself in Windows. These usb sticks first present themselves as DVD drives before being unlocked from a GUI. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Are those the same as Kingston Data Traveller Vault Privacy
Maybe? The .exe on there calls it a DTLocker+ (DT as in DataTraveler) so must be close?
If the Software to access it runs on the Windows side, then add the USB-IDs (VID/PID) to the Horizon Global/USB device rules.
No that won’t work.. I had a customer with the Data Traveller Vault Privacy and he had to run the Linux binary which then unlocked the drive for use in the session
I have the script which we put together, I’ll find it for you tomorrow
Okay I can try that but I thought that was more about whitelisting
That would be cool. Thanks!
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