Hello Igelitos, we have Problems with IGEL W10 Igel UD3 and UD6…

Your PC/Device needs to be repaired
The Boot Configuration Data file doesn ́t contain valid information for an operating system.
File: BCD
error code 0xc0000098
But when I start the Microsoft EFI File from the Boot Manager, it works…
Can anyone help me?
Hello Igel-hombre,
what happens if you re-deploy the latest Igel Snapshot to the device, does it repair it then?
myigel.biz/index.php?dir=IGEL_UNIVERSAL_DESKTOP_FIRMWARE/W10/ myigel.biz/index.php?dir=IGEL_UNIVERSAL_DESKTOP_FIRMWARE/W10/
I will try it, by a bug of Nachos ;)
bug of nachos: all an insectívoro would want
Snapshot installed, but it still reboots with the failure… :-/
Did you changed something on Bios side, like Secure Boot or so?
I’ve now reset it to factory settings and loaded the file via SMB.
Now it seems to be working …
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