We have recently upgraded our ICG and UMS server so we could finally start making use of the VNC/shadow function over ICG. While it is working, it is not working as expected. Currently it’s set to use a password.

1. In UMS when I select a device and right click > Shadow, I get the prompt, all options are greyed out and I can’t enter the password. When I click connect I get the message “Connection closed by the VNC server”
2. The same happens when the device is still selected and I attempt it via System > VNC Viewer.
3. However, if I select the folder that contains the device and then try to connect via System > VNC Viewer, it allows me to enter the ip address and password, and the connection is established.
Shouldn’t we be able to enter the password in scenario’s 1 and 2 as well?
Also, what happens when two thin clients would have the same IP address and you try to shadow one of them? Expecting this could happen with two different home office users in different locations, same provider, same router, same ip address range.
IGEL UMS 6.06.100
ICG 2.02.100
IGEL OS 11.03.580.1
I might tell something absolutely wrong, but Secure Shadowing induces that the Password use is disabled (only from the console POV). The reason, the UMS handles a kind of OTP with the endpoint everytime you shadow it. The Shadowing function over ICG is Secure Shadowing ONLY: kb.igel.com/igelos-11.04/en/secure-shadowing-vnc-with-tls-ssl-32869867.html
Then I’m a bit lost, as I’m shadowing with a password over ICG in scenario 3.
I’ve also tried a profile without a password, and set to use secure mode, but that results in the same behavior as in 1 and 2, when doing 3 it just tries to connect forever.
On the original issue:
1) check time / date consistency between Endpoint UMS / ICG / Igel OS
2) check if your UMS Console is able to contact ICG directly, like on the UMS Server directly
On the password ICG: is the device reachable from UMS even without ICG?
1) Time and date are OK
2) I can telnet from ums server to icg server and the other way around
Aha, while I’m working in UMS on a laptop over a vpn connection, the VNC Viewer has no problems seeing the thin client I’m testing with within my local network, so that explains the connecting with a password part :man-facepalming:
So scenario 3 changes to a request timed out when using a hotspot + vpn
But on ICG and shadowing: it‘s mostly related to a missing connection from UMS Console to ICG.
any specific connection / port I should look into?
8443 tcp usually (if you didn‘t specified another port during install).
I’m assuming that’s working (I know, never assume..), managed to get the confirmation prompt on the thin client. When the user accepts the connection is then closed by the vnc server immediately.
what did you changed to get (at least) this effect?
Created a new profile to enable shadowing, this new behavior is the same whether I enable secure shadowing or not.
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