IGEL UD2 “looses” one of the screens from time to time

Hi all,

are you guys already using the new UD2? If yes – has anyone seen the following behavior? One of our customers has the issue from time to time and I’d like to know whether someone else has the issue, too.

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The UD2 “looses” one of the screens from time to time, it then becomes 10% black and the only way to get it working again is via a UD2 restart. This can happen with either screen, never two at the time. Problem does not appear on UD3, swap of the screens does not solve the issue.

Thank you,

Yep, seeing the same with one of my customers, only on the new UD2

@member Hi Lucas, thank you for your answer. I guess, you’ve contacted Jan Stroombergen who reported the issue to us, correct?

correct yes

so it’s still only the one customer then ? Because it could be a faulty UD2 for all we know then, they only have the 1

not necessarily

I’ve been informed that there might be a problem with the DP after all.

ok, keep us informed please @member , customer is planning to order a few more UD2’s so we can decently test if it’s a one off or an actual issue. Unless you think we’d better hold off on that?

For that question please ask Jan.

We just started testing UD2s, but only in single monitor configuration. Does this only affect dual-monitor users? Either way, whoever has updates, the rest of us in this channel would appreciate updates.

@member It looks like that it only affects dual-monitor scenarios.

We are deploying new UD2’s right now and are having the same problem. It’s happening on setups with both single and dual monitors though. Sometime one monitor will drop out and other times both monitors will drop out. I’ve had a support ticket (ITRS#2019071510001601) open for this since July 15th and support hasn’t provided any insight. We’ve tried updating to the newer firmware’s that are available, but they create screen problems on devices pointed to Server 2008R2 hosts.

great feedback, thx!

for my customer they only had 1 test device and it’s only been tested in a dual monitor setup, so didn’t know if it would also show itself in single monitor config. I did however update it to the latest version straight out the box which was 11.01.130 at that time, that has the issue for sure. (I see 11.02.100 hit a week ago, didn’t try that one yet).


so it seems I should provide some information here as I’m the developer who fixed some problems already.

1. There was a problem with DisplayPort Monitors with a resolution higher or equal 2160×1440 which was a Intel driver issue. We first add a workaround with disabling DP audio support and got later a patch from Intel fixing the issue. But this is only for cases with such monitors. Here the 11.02.100 should help to get things working.

2. We had reports with instabilities with 2 monitors but we were not able to reproduce the issues reliable. But we suggests setting the registry key x.drivers.intel.use_modesetting to true and it seems to help here. I didn’t get any feedback up to now from the cases so I’m not 100% sure but it’s definitly worth a try.

Thank you Stefan for giving us some insights.

I’ve been told that it is not a general issue. It affects – like Stefan said – only monitors with special resolutions.

@member: Does the workaround Stefan posted here help you?

I will try to set that registry key on the units that we have had the most trouble with and report back with the results.

I’ve set the registry setting as well for my customer since their screen resolution is less than specified in issue 1. I’ll have them report back to me and provide feedback also.

Thank you very much. I really appreciate your effort.

I set the registry key on the handful of users that we were having the most trouble and they’ve all said that it hasn’t happened since. Thanks for the help!

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