IGEL UMS errror “Error identifier of TC invalid”?

Hi, one of my users keeps getting the following error when trying to push the setting from UMS -> device. The Igel KB can’t give me an answer

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Error: “Error identifier of TC invalid”

Does anyone have more information about this error for me?

There is a mismatch between the info stored in the UMS and the info provided by the device. Have you tried resetting the device to factory default and reimporting it into the UMS via Scan for Devices? (NB: not applicable for remote devices connected via ICG)

Also, please check the Recycle Bin of the UMS and empty if necessary.

It appears some maintenance on server is at the cause of the mismatches. We removed the troubled devices and scanned them again.

Thanks for the help.

No worries, I’m glad it got sorted.

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