Iis there a basic text editor that can be added to the IGEL OS desktop?

Hi, in OS 12 is there a basic text editor that can be added to the client desktop?

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`vi` and `nano` are included in OS 12. 😉


yes – custom application pointing to /usr/bin/mousepad

Hi Ron thanks for the fast reply. vi is a fantastic editor but it can be a little much for our end users. I was looking for something like notepad or notepad++ that could be placed on the desktop for all of the clients

Hi Josh, Thank you I will give that try.

For `mousepad` and user rights to run, you might have to setup a custom command to `chmod a+rx /usr/bin/mousepad`.

Bigger question, why are end users needing a text editor?

yep… looks like we had a regkey for that on OS11 but not OS12

They use the text editor for notes

Where are they saving the notes though? /userhome is stored in RAM so once the device is powered down, those will be gone. Published app from Citrix or Horizon or Microsoft, et.al et.al will be a better option.

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