Is is possible to extract the “PE IGEL Boot Image (WIM)” from the IGEL OS SCCM Addon?

Hello Guys,

Is it possible to extract the “PE IGEL Boot Image (WIM)” from the IGEL OS SCCM Addon? Or does this exist individually? Background to the question, I would like to use it in Windows Deployment Server. I hope that I can then install IGEL OS with the WDS.

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So it looks like you can run the addon installer on a non-sccm server and it will still extract the files to the ProgramData folder. In there is the IGEL minimum.bin image file. This file, along with DD.exe get injected into the “IGEL boot image” This process could very easily be done manually for a WDS deployment. Or could be submitted as a feature request for official tool support.

Hi, thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I’m a Linux newbie. I’ve seen DD.exe before but never used it. That’s why I don’t know how I can create a minimal.wim for the WDS from the minimal.bin. Can you describe it to me briefly?

Take a look at this video –

The process doesn’t actually use a wim file. It just uses the task sequence to run command line steps. Rather than natively laying down a wim file, you call DD.exe from a command line step to lay down a .bin or .iso file.

X:dd.exe if=X:igel.bin of=\?DeviceHarddisk0partition0 bs=1M –size –progress


I have built the following solution for my requirement.

1. Creation of WindowsPE image

2. Batch + Diskpart.txt to delete the HDD

3. Batch for IGEL OS restore

4. Creation of winpeshl.ini

Content batch part.cmd:

@echo on

diskpart.exe / s X: diskpart.txt

ping -n 10 localhost> nul


Content diskpart.txt:

select disk 0



Content batch igel.cmd:

X: dd.exe if = x: minimal.bin of = \? Device Harddisk0 partition0 bs = 1M –size –progress

ping -n 30 localhost> nul


Content Winpeshl.ini:



% SYSTEMROOT% System32 cmd.exe, / C “X: part.cmd”

% SYSTEMROOT% System32 cmd.exe, / C “X: igel.cmd”

-Copy Batches and minimal.bin into the <root> directory of the WindowsPE

Copy Winpeshl.ini to <root> Windows System32

-dd.exe after n the <root> directory of the WindowsPE

Hoping that others will need it too.

Maybe you can publish it somewhere where it reaches even more people.

Nice work! Glad you got it working for your WDS deployment. And now, with the IGEL SCCM tool, you can still use the bundled image manager to create a new minimal.bin when a new version comes out you want to deploy. I’ve saved your reply so I can reference it easier in the future. Haha, if I ever get my blog online, I will be sure to add the WDS process.

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