Is it normal for the UMS 6 console to use a lot of memory, over 1GB?

Is it normal for the UMS 6 console to eat a lot of system memory? It is currently using around 500mb before I even log in. Well over 1gb after using it for a short time.

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Yes, I don’t see an issue there, do you mean the console (rmclient.exe) or the Service itself (tomcat8.exe)?

Just checked it on mine: the console consumes in average 950mb of memory, since we moved our system from x86 to x64!

It is an issue for us because our whole environment is in Azure. We like to keep cost down so our utility server only has 3.5 GB ram. We are going to have to size this server larger strictly because of the bloat of this console. Not sure why a management console would need to consume so much memory.

Ok, let me check if there is something planned for the future to minimize the memory usage. Cannot guarantee but will hand it to devs.

We elected no local install of the console as any UMS upgrade will mean immediate upgrade to all involved workstations. Published it using Citrix XenApp and each copy is eating 1GB+ of RAM – we could easily have 20-30 people on it daily. Please put the UMS console on a diet!

@member I know that we already have a tough roadmap timeline, but can you try to think about the topic described above?

Maybe a few things on the Roadmap are already covering the performance optimization?! The MSP Business will ask more and more for a light console.

Just a short update on @member and @member just checked that on the newest 6.01.110 and my RAM Consumption is now on 580Mb. It might good to doublecheck that on your side (as a first step).

I will talk with the responsible product manager

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