Is it possible to apply both the command to disable network status popups and to disable/enable wlan when lan is connected/disconnected?

sed -i ‘s/show_progress “$@”/true/’ /bin/netcontrol”
and the commands found:
I tried adding them to the same profile and then neither worked. I separated them and only one of the two gets applied
You should be able to as long as you don’t have anything conflicting in the scripts
put the sed… on the next line down or put it first or either?
this is what I have. It works on some but not others
cat <<“EOF” > /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/99-wlan
if [ “$1” = “eth0” -o “$1” = “eth1” ]; then
case “$2” in
nmcli radio wifi off
nmcli radio wifi on
chmod +x /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/99-wlan
sed -i ‘s/show_progress “$@”/true/’ /bin/netcontrol”
could you solve the problem?
if yes, how?
Try this instead @member
sed -i ‘s/show_progress.*/show_progress false/
Have you tried disabling the registry key below?
Also, try setting this one to 0?
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