Is it possible to give the Chrome browser a fixed username and password for proxy authentication?


Is it possible to give the Chrome browser a fixed username and password for proxy authentication? In the GUI this option does not exist in the direct Chrome settings. If I set it system wide (GUI) in the proxy settings Chrome does not care. Is there possibly something about the poicie parameters or is that generally not possible?

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Hello, please see the screenshot

Thank you for your answer but there is no setup for username and password or understand it your screenshot wrong?

Chrome has no official opportunity to configure proxy authentication and I can fully understand them. It’s not really secure and state of the art to hard code proxy authentication in the browser settings.

But what you can try, before you hard code some things like that. You can try to configure your proxy settings in the IGEL network settings, afaik there is also the possibility to configure the authentication. Then you configure the Chromium configuration option, described from Ruiny, to “Use system proxy settings”.

Hi. I tried that, but unfortunately he does not take it. I can understand the security reason for that. Other way is to set an special user agent (on proxy we can also config a allow list fpr special user agents). But I also find no official wy to append something to the useragent.

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