Is it possible to run IGEL via PXE?

Is it possible to run IGEL via PXE? For example, using a pxe server as well as TFTP server? Not the installer, a bootable working image.

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For OSD? Then yes, I had it working with WDS

Is there a guide somewhere? I was told it couldn’t be done but I wanted to give it a shot in here. My boss is interested in IGEL but she told me she would want them to pxe boot and run IGEL that way.

@member Isn’t OSD Operating System Deployment? That actually installs it on the local device; right? Not a PXE boot every time the device boots?

Ohhhh, without the install

Yes, sorry for the confusion. To run via pxe, not install via pxe. Boss wants to network boot igel and have Windows as the failsafe in case it can’t boot via pxe.

I still think UDPocket is the better option for that than trying pxe

Probably right but my boss won’t spring for doing it that way. Not enough “control”…

I also don’t understand her concern about having windows as a failsafe. Also, as far as springing for it, you don’t have to get an actual UDPocket if the USB drive is going to be used for a specific device all the time. You can just create your own bootable USB stick with IGEL OS installed on it. We did that for a couple years with thin clients that didn’t have a large enough hard drive

Correct. I know and totally understand and agree. I’ve been severely overruled, hence my thoughts on pxe hosted by a spare vm.

We used these:

Check discord… you’ll see what I got and my bonus find.

No, not supported and probably not easily doable. Well you might look into Citrix PVS and stream the image to bare metal like we used to do years ago 🙂

but why

That sounds a lot more complicated than using a UD Pocket.

That being said, you won’t be able to do this.

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