Is it possible to start Firefox with certain (like domain) credentials, with an template key for example?

I’ve been asked to build 2 setups for hospital monitoring boards, both which use an web based login.
One of these keeps asking for a login each time I approach this one. Also tested to by starting the connection to our proxy with my own domain credentials within this profile, but still i get a logon screen every time L
When starting the same URL on my VDI session within the domain, no problem at all.
Anyone got a good idea how to do this?
Thin Client is running at Igel OS version 10.05.800 at the moment, upgrade to version 11.x is possible if necessary.
Stay safe and healthy!
Do you know if the site uses NTLM or Kerberos (or both with NTLM fallback)? If you use Firefox within your VDI session, do you get prompted or does it pass through? Wasn’t sure on the browser you tested with in your VDI session.
I will ask my colleauges how they configured this site, that is not something i can answer unfortunally.
I’ve don’t got firefox installed on our VDI, but tested it with Chrome/IE11 and Edge (Chromium based) with succes.
I will install FireFox on my fat client en test the result on this one :-)
Tested it with firefox on an fat client, also got an authentication window there..
So my idea is not gonna work i’m afraid..
Here’s some documentation on integrated auth. Not sure if this prefs file is found somewhere on the Linux package on IGEL, but might be worth playing around with and whitelisting the URL for pass-through:
I was able to get it to work with NTLM pass-through by just adding the FQDN of the server I was testing to these two values in about:config
Here’s how you would add those entries in IGEL setup to edit entries in about:config – the key is that you’ll have to capture the logon information previously. If you’re already logging in via a proxy like you said that might work!
Thanks for all the information, much appreciated! 👍 I will test this further on monday to check the results! 😉
@member How would you capture the login information securely?
He said he was already authenticating with proxy, I assume via this type of setup. Curious to find out if it continues to utilize those credentials for pass-through on other sites…
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