Is there a IGEL Version with CWA 2308?

Early Bird – any chance to see CWAL 2308 soon because of this: “Support for MJPEG webcams

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With this release, MJPEG webcams are supported in the H264 stream. The Webcam performs MJEPG compression internally which provides better image quality and higher frame rate. This feature is enabled by default. However, if Webcam doesn’t support MJPEG, this feature is disabled.”

2307 was should be released in 11.08 by end of next week from what I have heard.

I hope 2308 will make it into PB soon … 🤞

It is, but no ETA yet 🙃

Looks like the preview of 2308 came out today?

…. the early admin is catching the worm!

Ha ha

By the way, you can install the tarball on a testdevice by yourself to test it. Its only removed on next reboot. I gave 2307 a quick test last week via installing the tarball on one of our devices to test it. You only have to link the correct ini-files after installing.

If needed:

1. copy tarball to /usr/tmp (enough space)

2. uncompress and unpack via tar xzf xxx.tar.gz

3. Run ./setupwfc

4. When starting ICA session you will see the lost link to wfclient.ini – just relink it.

5. Thats all

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