is there a way in IGEL to have the address bar hidden in Chromium?

A separate question: is there a way in IGEL to have the address bar hidden in Chromium? I’ve tried some of the posted registry edits I found through google but haven’t found a fix. I don’t want to do full screen Chromium because users won’t be able to shut down the computer without exiting full screen (and giving them the ability to get to the address bar).

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you can launch the URL in app mode: chromium-browser –app=https://xxx or something like this. Can’t remember exactly

I just tested that on Windows as a desktop shortcut and I will see if I can get it to work in IGEL, Thank you so much! I will post the results,

Thank you for the help! I found in the Registry where to put it. Registry -> chromiumglobal ->app ->custom_cmd and then I put in –app=https://website

Works just fine!

yes or you can configure a custom app if you don’t want the app mode for all chromium sessions

The users only use the computer to log into Citrix. It’s literally just being set up so they can boot, double click the “Chrome” shortcut on the desktop, log into Citrix, then when they are done, shut down the computer. It actually is better because in some locations, users have been playing around on the internet outside of Citrix. Security problems. Yes I know Chrome and Edge could be locked down… but I’m just doing what I’m told. S*** rolls down hill after all.

Tbh in your use case I‘d just make Citrix SelfService available – no need to go through the browser imho

thank you for this wonderful feature. with this option it can be designed like in firefox. Does anybody know if it also works with 2 chromium sessions where in the first session (just citrix) the address bar is hidden and in the second session (for local surfing) the address bar is shown?

At the moment we solve it with 1 chromium session for surfing and 1 firefox session for citrixcloud login, but in OS12 firefox is not available any more.

Make two profiles? One for Citrix and one for surfing? Have the Citrix one use the code above and the other not?

I tried making two profiles one with the code and one without but it seems that the code will be set global then for all chromium sessions

as mentioned, go with a custom app

thank you it works. I made one profile with chromium session with standard settings (for local surfing) and one profile with custom app with following command in settings: /usr/bin/chromium-browser –app=https://citrix…

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