Issues with HP thin client overheating when using a IGEL UD Pocket?

Anyone have any issues with an HP thin client overheating when using a UDPocket in them?

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At least that is what we think is happening with them. They are just freezing up from time to time. Sometimes in the middle of a Citrix session and other times when booting. Sitting off for about 5 minutes usually helps

Not really, but overheating during booting (fresh boot, I assume) sounds strange to me. Is there a Bios Memory test available?

When CPU temperature is meant two ways might help to identify it (but can‘t check by myself, not in the office anymore)

StartmenuToolsSystem InformationsSensors could help

From Command line but I‘m pretty sure that we haven‘t sensors installed by default, so cat /sys/class/thermal/… may help also

Are they really freezing? I mean, no ping anymore, no other consoles, right?

Ah, I should have put on rebooting.

Yes, they become unresponsive

Sent you a PM for a Log Gathering over reboot.

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