Moved IGEL Thin Clients from the office to home and now we they can’t conenct to the UMS

Hello, we are currently letting our users take their thin-client home with them and work via vpn. For that we copied our homeoffice profile, removed the auto-start and added a button that connects to vpn. I thought the Clients should behave just like our homeoffice clients but they aren’t manageable via the UMS. They are shown as offline and we can’t change their configuration, which is something that works with our standard homeoffice config. Any ideas why? Some screenshots:

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(HYBRID = Clients with button, FEST = Standard homeoffice)

Hey Julian, can you ping the devices when the devices are red? Are they able to ping the UMS?

The IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) is required if the UMS and the devices are not in the same network.

Why is it required if it works fine with our standard config? We are not planning to implement the cloud gateway.

The UMS-Server is pingable and the Client is pingable under the adress that is shown as hardware adress in the local client informations.

Ok, great. Just in case, could you please check if you can connect via telnet (a.e.) to the device from ums like these:

telnet IpOfYourClient 30005


I’m able to mirror the client when putting in the IP from the informations. Does that help you? If not: How do I check the connection via telnet in the UMS?

From the endpoint, like these:

From UMS, assuming Windows:

I tested the command on the server the UMS is running on with the result “TcpTestSucceeded : True”

and from the endpoint (s. Gif sent above)?

The commands all worked fine. The pingable IP is not in the lease list of eth0 though.

what do you mean by that?

btw. is time / date set correctly on that device?

I did everything like in the gif. At the end the IPs of eth 0 are being shown. The pingable IP is missing there.

However the client is suddenly shown green in the UMS with the right IP showing.

Could you try on another device if


and / or


makes the device appear green too?

Yes, it does.

Then, it seems that it‘s the „old topic“ that the last know IP isn‘t reported back after a Vpn connect.

Thanks for the answer! I’ll look into that

Thats what I added. Works fine so far.

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