HAs anyone experienced issues proxying UMS to Licensing server?
It depends from a few factors, but yes, I had some issues. Is the connection test succesful or foes it fail there too?
Connection fails for me. My security team mentioned it is whitelisted
Did you followed that kb?
kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.06/en/ums-contacting-the-licensing-server-37281742.html kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.06/en/ums-contacting-the-licensing-server-37281742.html
Yes, security whitelisted susi.igel.com susi.igel.com, and I can curl most *.igel.com igel.com sites. But our proxy shows that when making the request the destination times out. I was not aware of fwu.igel.com fwu.igel.com so we are trying that next
@member – the docs say fwu.igel.com fwu.igel.com but UMS is showing fwus.igel.com fwus.igel.com, is that correct? Seems to be an Azure blob/bucket
fwus.igel.com fwus.igel.com and 443
susi.igel.com susi.igel.com 443
are correct. Here is the overview:
kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.06/en/ums-communication-ports-37281545.html kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.06/en/ums-communication-ports-37281545.html
We are seeing that curl + telnet and browsing to the URLs return xml output which is resource not found, does querying that site need creds or something more specific than curl?
We still cannot establish a connection to fwu.igel.com fwu.igel.com but based on the last post it doesn’t look like we need it, is that correct?
Is ssl traffic enabled?
yes, I can curl over 443 to susi and fwus
not to fwu
Which UMS Version?
Have to leave now, let’s see if someone else is having an idea before asking you to open a ticket…
Just in case:
On logs side: UMS Server: IGELRemoteManagerrmguiserverlogs, Catalina
anything helpful there?
Can you run the IGEL RMGUIServer service with a privileged account, restart it and try again ?
I have a Linux server but will try rmgui
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