Does somebody else have network peaks every 15 minutes from the Thinclients to the UMS via TCP Port 30001? As far as i know the Thinclient sends the status to the UMS in this interval. But the strange thing is in some locations we get the whole network bandwith full during this peak and in other locations not.

I only know that you can enable the heartbeat in the UMS Device Network Settings, but 1 hr is the smallest interval.
So not sure why the devices creating so much traffic. What’s in the device logs at this timeframe?
Do you have custom commands running syncing settings with the UMS?
Do you have big files assigned to the device which will need bandwidth during transfer?
Heartbeat is set to 24 hours. I can see in the device logs every 15 minutes: ” igelrm agent: Executing local command: write settings to db (server= Ip Adress from the UMS) ” . I’m not aware of any custom commands running and we don’t have any big files assigned.
I found the issue. There was indeed a custom script from my predecessor. Thanks for the advice.
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