ON UMS we are getting The server is not yet fully started!

after upgrade the UMS Linux server from 6.09.120 to 6.10.140, once upgrade completed successfully, we are getting the error while login into UMS management console “The server is not yet fully started!”

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Hi, I would check how much RAM is assigned and increase to 12GB if not yet. Then, reboot and check the UMS Administrator and check if the DB is connected.

we have 8 gb RAM assigned and 2vcpu

we have done the reboot and still the error same

how to check the DB connection , we are using the embedded DB here

Assign 12 please and open the application rmadmin.sh.

ok let me check

is it issue related to RAM capacity ?

because we need to raise the change for increase RAM size ?

Well it is one possible reason. We do recommend What is the RAM is adpated to this: kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-12.01/en/installation-requirements-for-the-igel-ums-77864394.html

error getting from UMS console

checking your kb article

Did you check if the DB is connected?

Linux CLI shell not opening the RMAdmin.sh script

Could you try to increase the RAM and re run the installer?

increased RAM upt0 12

are you want to re-run the upgrade installer again ?

Yes please.


A couple of other checks over there:igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C8FC01UNM/p1667415727078019


RAM increase not working , im going to run the setup again

again same issue

And the logs?

log location in linux ?

Can you launch the UMS administrator?


in the subthread.

UMS administor console installed on some other windwos machine

UMS services running on Linux

No the Universal Management Suite Administrator is always on UMS Server side: how are you trying to start it?

Does /opt/IGEL/RemoteManager/RMAdmin.sh work (without sudo)?

no we are using putty session

no GUI mod

let me collect the logs file for you

we are running the RHEL 7.9 OS , is it not related to OS dependency?

Here is how to on SSH: igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C8FC01UNM/p1611880521079800?thread_ts=1611872951.070500&channel=C8FC01UNM&message_ts=1611880521.079800 igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C8FC01UNM/p1611880521079800?thread_ts=1611872951.070500&channel=C8FC01UNM&message_ts=1611880521.079800


Hi sebastien attached logs , please check

Did you get the rmadmin started?

no even enabled x11 forwarding

I would open a ticket then, since this might to get analyzed at our support.

But I would check if an antivirus is blocking something or / and you can shadow the UMS Console and start the admin in the GUI there.

Would be good also to test if any other GUI application can be started just to avoid any other issues blocking you.

It is working server only today upgrade to 6.10.140 after that its showing error

is there an AV on the server?

Could the admin be started before?

we are using the UMS managment console seperate machine

admin console could not started before

I would rollback the last snapshot / backup you made during the upgrading. Then retry step by step.

Or try to reinstall the previous version.


is it any impact cause?

what do you mean?

any production igel users will impact if UMS not working

Oh, no. Configuration is stored on the device. If you don’t use Shared Workspace (EMP feature), all users can continue working.

then fine

Hi Sebastien, Issue fixed after revert the VM snapshot and re-run the setup again.

Hi Sebastien, our device license was expired. how to renewal the bulk license pack ?

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