Hello! Actually we got problems redirecting USB devices to horizon view session. – though we permitted nearly everything for tests: 1. devices usb-access control policy: Default rule: permit, standard access
Continue readingRD Web Access get broken in IGEL IS 11.04?
Hi Folks, Did RD Web Access get broken in version 11.04 ? my client now recieves a cannot execute request with version 11.04.100 or 11.04.130. However, if we roll back
Continue readingIs SSH used on IGEL UMS, can it be turned off?
Is SSH Access used for UMS or other utilities or can it be turned off? SSH is only used for SSH connections from external clients and can be disabled. You
Continue readingHow to update many IGEL devices in different locations
Who can help me out – we are trying up update several hundred IGEL devices across Europe. However, we have a bunch in Ireland and we are been told that
Continue readingHow do you license a Windows 10 IGEL UMA?
How do you license a Windows 10 uma? This is threw an Enterprise Management Pack, correct? I keep getting the message: There are no compatible packs for the selected devices
Continue readingIGEL UMS Universal Update Error: “could not resolve host name”
We just updated to the latest UMS and are seeing problems trying to push updates through the “Universal Update”. The error er are seeing is “could not resolve host name”
Continue readingVirtual desktop suddenly freezes in VMware Horizon using Blast
We have an IGEL UD3 (M350C) and a HP T640, both sporting the same CPU/GPU combo: an AMD Ryzen Embedded R1505G with Radeon Vega Gfx. On firmware 11.04.100 and 11.04.136
Continue readingHow to secure VNC on IGEL
We just ran a port scan from an outside security vendor and reports ports 5900 is unsecure and accessible via VNC. Is there a way to secure VNC as it’s
Continue readingIGEL OS Camera / Webcam working very intermittently
Can anybody shed some light on why I am having issues with cameras on laptops that have OS11.03.500 and 11.04.100? The camera works very intermittently. Is there a way for
Continue readingHow to update a IGEL OS client’s Comment field on UMS
Is there any IGEL OS 11 command that can update a client’s Comment field on UMS? Similar to how the “rmdb_register -t” command can update the structure tag. I’d like
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