Is it possible to install Connectwise Control (Screenconnect) on an igel device? Yes, as a CP Continue reading and comment on the thread ‘Is it possible to install Connectwise
Continue readingIs it possible to install an antivirus or EDR with OS12?
Hi, I suppose that answer is “not yet” but, Is possible to install an antivirus or EDR with OS12? For most use cases it is not needed. Take the savings
Continue readingDoes anybody have a Batch Shortcut to delete all local licenses
Does anybody have a Batch Shortcut that can be placed on the desktop once a device gets put into a decommission directory to remove all lisceses then another one to
Continue readingUpgrading the Server OS with UMS installed
Hello everyone, I want to replace my Windows 2012 UMS server with Windows 2022 Server. I was thinking about upgrading it but not sure. What does everyone suggest? Simple change
Continue readingThe Webcam works in IGEL OS but is not detected in Citrix.
So her is my issue.. The web cam works in IGEL but not detected in Citrix. Is there anything I can do to get it to work? I have imaged
Continue readingWebUMS and UMS Console is not working when a paragraph character is used.
Hello to all, I have noticed with UMS12 that if the password for logging in contains a paragraph character (§), logging in to WebUMS is not possible. The console is
Continue readingDoes Citrix and IGEL support Google Meet somehow with a VDI version ?
Does Citrix support Google Meet somehow with a VDI version ? BCR and either HDX or RTAV would be your best bet, but they don’t have a custom
Continue readingMigrating to UMS 12 getting error message that the server doesn’t have internet access.
Migrating to UMS 12 and attempting to download the firmware on the new server. We can successfully make a connection to the server however when attempting to download the firmware
Continue readingDoes Java Heap size apply on UMS12?
Anyone play with the Java Heap settings on UMS 12.01.110? What about Java Heap for the ICG? Are those modifications still recommended if you are currently modifying them in UMS
Continue readingFirefox is not available on OS12?
Hello. :man-raising-hand::skin-tone-3: I’m missing firefox in OS 12. Am I blind or has it gone? Chromium is not an option. Same as RDP. New Apps will come 😉 Agreed. Chrome
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