Please explain me the utility of the Host (external) and the Port (external) fields in IGEL ICG configuration

Hello ! Could somebody explain me the utility of the Host (external) and the Port (external) fields? I added the hostnames/FQDNs I want to use in the SSL self-signed certificate when I generated it, it’s for me the important point if you want to cover multiple FQDNs, so I don’t understand the Host (external) field in this step of the configuration of the ICG. And if I specify an another Port to use (for example: 8444) in the field port (external), the ICG does not listen to this port, only on the port specified for the communication between UMS and ICG (8443 by default). Thanks in advance for the precisions 🙂

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Hello, let me try to explain it this way:

your ICG gets two kind of connections:

• from UMS=>ICG (mostly internal)

• From endpoints to ICG

So, if the host you specified during installation of our certifcates differs from the real external one, you would add this hostname.

Hello! OK, understood for the Host. For the Port (external) part, I configured a diffĂ©rente port (8444) in my case, and the ICG doesn’t look listening to this port, only to port 8443 (when I did a netstat in ssh on the ICG).

Did you specified that specific port during your ICG Installation?

During the installation, the step before my first screenshot where I had to specify a port was the step below (screenshot from the IGEL KB and not my installation) where I left the default port 8443 and where I couldn’t specify a 2nd port. It’s why I don’t understand the interest of the Port (external) at the step “Connect new IGEL Cloud Gateway”

It would be useful if you had a firewall device NATing/port translating that 8444 to 8443 between the IGEL and ICG. Same with IP translation for public>private.

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