preparestick.exe crashes trying to create a IGEL OSC USB stick

Hi, i try to prepare OSC USB Stick, but preparestick.exe crash each time i tried to use it. Error log is: strDDErrorText: Error writing file: 5 Accès refusé. Any one know why? (I try on W10, and when i launch preparestick.exe i accept to launch it on adminiostratof mode). I had a .net framework error (System.IO System.IO.IOException: Le processus ne peut pas accéder au fichier ‘C:UsersmyuserOSC_11.05.100preparestickPrepareStick.log’, car il est en cours d’utilisation par un autre processus.)

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I just downloaded it and its running like a charm on my WIn10 .NET 3.5 installed machine:

you can try it with Rufus

thank you, it’s work with Win Disk imager. I will try with Rufus another time. Thank you !

I have never had much luck with preparestick. As @member said, Rufus is your friend.

Another vote for Rufus here. 🙂

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