I have a problem with usb redirection with RDP sessions. It’s activated for Mass Storage devices. I can see the device and its contents. But copying to or from is nearly impossible, it’s very slow. Sometimes it disappears. In syslog I can see lines like ‘usb 1-3: reset high-speed USB device number 5 using ehci-pci’.
Are we speaking about a Mass storage device like a USB stick or disc?
I would assume that yes: is there another reason why you are using USB Redirection?
Could you try to use the local mount and mapping instead of USB Redirection?
I would only keep the following:
Mounting a Device locally in Igel OS: Storage Hotplug
RDP Mapping
Yes, USB sticks. It was the easiest way to do it. Never checked if it really works, now I got a complaint… 😉 I’ll try it with local mount.
When I try to enable Storage Hotplug and save this profile it is disabled again the next time I edit this profile?!
That‘s surprising!! Can you set it locally on an endpoint and try it locally?
Hm, I don’ have the setup on the client. I even can’t enable it in a new profile…
Can you provide a Screenshot when you enabled it in your profile?
I just noticed, when I once activated Static Mapping and save it, it gets saved and after that I can save it with Dynamic Mapping…
Now it kind off works, would be nice to exclude local disks like internal drives from getting mounted.
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