Hey Guys, having an issue when adding devices to a brand new UMS installed on Server 2019. Any info about this error? Windows FW is turned off, no drops on hw fw..

Any kind of Antivirus in use?
nope not really. Defender..
Which UMS Version?
latest 6.04.120
We had a temporary UMS server based on Server 2016, here I can add the devices without an issue.
Devices are new UD3 out of box
Is the error shown in your Screenshot pointing to a Device or the server itself?
the server itself
For better reading: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: [UMS-IP]:8443/servlet/TCCommands
Cumulative 2020-05 OS Update is applied..
`http://java.io java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: [UMS-IP]:8443/servlet/TCCommands`
`at sun.net sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0 www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:1900)`
`at sun.net sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1498)`
`at sun.net sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:268)`
`at de.igel.rm.serverconnection.ServerConnection.doPostInBody(ServerConnection.java:5752)`
`at de.igel.rm.serverconnection.ServerConnection.doPostInBody(ServerConnection.java:5728)`
`at de.igel.rm.serverconnection.ServerConnection.executeRegister(ServerConnection.java:707)`
`at de.igel.rm.serverconnection.Console2TcCommandService.executeRegister(Console2TcCommandService.java:140)`
`at de.igel.rm.gui.RegisterScannedTCsThread.work(RegisterScannedTCsThread.java:46)`
`at de.igel.gui.threads.WorkerThread.run(WorkerThread.java:53)`
Ok, strange… I would go that route:
1) check: c:Program filesIgelRemotemanagerinstall.log ors %ProgramDir%IGELRemoteManagerrmguiserverlogs
for some more comprehensive error
2) check the Windows Event viewer
3 reinstall the UMS, by using the same Exe
hmm, lead to `2020-06-18T15:59:03,101 ERROR [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-2] [/]: TCCommands: insufficient_access_rights`
Already did an update from 6.4.100 to 6.4.120, that should be a reinstall?
same error after reinstall 6.4.120
Opened a ticket.. lets see whats coming out
Thank you for your quick resonse
You are welcome! Will try to reproduce your issue too. Is your Server 2019 holding other roles / software than being Igel UMS?
hi @member
I would enable the firewall, open TCP 8443 and 30001 incoming and make sure no other tomcat is installed..
The windows firewall can cause strange occurrences when turned off..
thanks @member I ́ll try that.
same behaviour also with firewall turned on and ports opened. Error comes immediatley after I click “Add” – seems its not even trying to communicate.
If you, from the tc use Firefox to go to umsserver:8443/ums_filetransfer umsserver:8443/ums_filetransfer
What are the result!
403 equals denied. BTW, I’m using 2019 server for all my lab UMS, so I can validate that those works.
Hrrmm, also validate that the client can resolve “umsserver” to the correct IP
Just a long shot, is there another Apache Tomcat service running on that server?
Or any other process using port 8443?
In the UMS Administrator, that’s a separate application, you can change the communication ports.
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