Good morning, Does anyone have any suggestions for a quick disconnect key from ICG? We auto launch the user into a Xen Desktop session and would like to easily disconnect the user via hotkey and leave their session open. I can do this on prem as we use Imprivata Appliance mode, but I would like to have similar functionality when using ICG to keep the user experience sort of the same.

Good afternoon Dan, you could try a Custom Application with your favorite hotkey set, no Icons on Desktop:
`”/usr/bin/icacontrol disconnect”`
I will give this a try. Thank you!
Hi @member, just so you’re aware, technically the ICG doesn’t affect this in any way since the XD session doesn’t go via the ICG (IGEL Cloud Gateway is only used for UMS remote management and doesn’t route any other traffic). So you’re not actually disconnecting from the ICG itself (this would not be good since then you would no longer be able to manage the device remotely 😄). Apologies if you already knew this!
In any case Sebastian’s idea for a hotkey should help 😉
Super easy to set this up Sebastien, thanks. Its exactly what I was looking for!
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