Hello, I like to use the HDX over UDP feature on our IGEL. I activate the function in UMS. But it does not work. There is still single Port ICA
Continue readingCitrix HDX Troubleshooting and Support Articles in the IGEL Community
Bluetooth works fine in IGEL OS but not with Citrix Workspace App v20 on IGEL OS 11.05?
Anyone have problems with 11.05 and the bluetooth passthrough to citrix? BT works fine in IGEL but not available in Citrix. Worked in 11.04.240 What do you mean exactly by
Continue readingAfter upgrading to IGEL OS 11.05.100 many users are reporting the devices being totally frozen
I updated our IGELs to version on 3/7/21. Since the update we have many users that have reported the IGEL being totally frozen. We use a VMWare VDI, and
Continue readingWebcam and audio delays with Citrix Workspace 20.10 on IGEL OS 11.05.100
Hi guys, I have a strange issue with Microsoft Teams in combination with Citrix XenApp (V1912 CU2). Teams is installed on the Terminalserver, HDX and Teams optimization is activated. Installed
Continue readingFabulatech webcam redirection on 11.5.100, cannot find in the profile the flag to activate the deamon?
Hi All. Somebody try integrated feature Fabulatech webcam redirection on 11.5.100? On 11.3 we create a custom partition and work well. In 11.5.100 we can select the new integrated feature
Continue readingNo video stream with Chrome / HDX Webcam redirection in IGEL OS 11.04.270?
Hi All! I am having an issue with Chrome / HDX Webcam redirection in 11.04.270 and wanted to know if anyone has been able to get it working in their
Continue readingThe ICA file does not open automatically launch Citrix session on IGEL OS?
Hello everyone. I am looking to deploy IGEL throughout a hospital environment. Our EHR system is remote hosted and our staff connects via Citrix. I have set Chromium sessions in
Continue readingWith native USB redirection in a IGEL UMS profile, the video portion works and the microphone does not
Hello everyone, I am running into an issue with passing both the microphone and video of my webcam into my Citrix environment. If I use native USB redirection in a
Continue readingOur scanner works fine until I enable Teams/Zoom plugins on IGEL OS?
Help, scanner works fine until I enable Teams/Zoom plugins • I have 2 units with 11.04.270 • Units are identical hardware • The policies between the two are identical except
Continue readingIGEL Thin-Client is supposed to shut-down after ending the Citrix session but it simply closes the window und doesn’t do anything
Hello, I found another problem while testing version 11.04.240 and 270. The Thin-Client is supposed to shut-down after ending the Citrix session but it simply closes the window und doesn’t
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