Hello there , microsoft disabled TLS 1.0 and 1.1 techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/tls-1-0-and-tls-1-1-soon-to-be-disabled-in-windows/ba-p/3887947 is there any Application with Igel that is affected by ? Our OS and UMS/ICG have been using TLS 1.2
Continue readingMicrosoft Troubleshooting and Support Articles in the IGEL Community
How to get Anydesk tested on IGEL OS?`
With a simple command anydesk works also like teamviewer: -thx to the forum for inspiration! wget -qO- download.anydesk.com/linux/anydesk-6.3.0-amd64.tar.gz | tar -xvz -C /tmp/ && /tmp/anydesk-6.3.0/anydesk Any ideas to get rustdesk
Continue readingWhat client is IGEL using for AVD connection?
Does anyone know the technology that IGEL Azure Virtual Desktop client 1.1.25 Build 2.0 uses? Is it Bastion? RDP? ?? It is RDP. They made a big stink that its
Continue readingHow to get debugging information for IGEL RDP?
hello all, we use IGEL OS 11 version 11.08.440.01. I can’t establish an RPD connection to a Windows 10 domain client. Is it possible to create a log where you
Continue readingHow to make Yubikey5 Fido2 work with Azure AD on IGEL OS?
Hello together I would like to use my Yubikey 5 with Fido2 for Azure AD authentication. I would need it in the Horizon View client session. Unfortunately it does not
Continue readingMS Teams background effects partially not working on IGEL OS.
Hi all. Microsoft Teams in Citrix VDI, on IGEL 11.08.330. Some background effects work and others don’t. Is this a Citrix or Teams related bug? Anyone notice the same? Have
Continue readingHow to to logoff automatically when AVD on IGEL OS ends?
Hey guys, i’m testing currently a possible Setup with Igel & AVD. I was able to configure SSO with Azure AD and autostart the AVD sucessfully, which looks very nice!
Continue readingHow to make a headset available in RDP on IGEL OS?
Hello everyone, I’m currently testing Igel UMS in connection with a Microsoft Terminal Server (RDP). There is a telephony client installed on the terminal server. When I connect a headset,
Continue readingHow to redirect a Scanner in AVD on IGEL OS?
We are trying to passthru a USB scanner into AVD — The IGEL thin client recognizes the USB device (see entry in kern log) but it does not appear to
Continue readingHow to pass control in MS Teams and PWA?
Hi Team, I’m seeking help with an issue. I’m currently utilizing MS Teams as a Progressive Web App (PWA) and with a custom partition. While conducting a screen sharing session
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