Where would failed UMS registrations be logged?

I’m running into a problem where my devices are connecting to the UMS, but the registration fails. I’m unable to get the machine into the UMS.
I would:
1) check ports: kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.05/en/registration-of-a-device-fails-31599355.html kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.05/en/registration-of-a-device-fails-31599355.html
and ports
kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.05/en/ums-and-devices-settings-and-control-31599144.html kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.05/en/ums-and-devices-settings-and-control-31599144.html
2) is ICG in place?
Yeah ICG is in place. That’s the portal I’ve been using to connect. It connects but fails to register.
So, you already registered devices successfully through that ICG, right?
Which UMS / ICG / Igel OS Version are you using?
It doesn’t register. I just see that it connects from the endpoint. But doesn’t register. Is there a log on the ICG that might be a useful spot?
Did it worked before? Can you forward the versions asked before? They could tell us where to look at.
to add to this discussion — we are seeing consistent registration failures with the latest IGEL OS release
connects to cloud gateway
ums registration fails
That’s exactly what I’m seeing. We’re on ICG – 2.01.130, UMS – 6.04.110
Where on the ICG would the logs be for this type of thing?
Remote Registration via ICG Does not work with the following combination
UMS Version 6.05.110
IGEL OS 11.04.200
IGC 2.02.100
based on q quick review of things — it appears that the some issue with the new version of .200 Thin client OS. It appears to be trying to create connection to the internal hostname of the UMS. Not sure why this is happening
Looking at traffic patterns for previous versions we see connections exclusively through ICG
some really wierd things are happening with the recent UMS upgrade –previously registered clients are no longer able to register through ICG and UMS
Yeah this one is kicking my butt. Would I need to up/downgrade the UMS/ICG/Thin OS?
I can‘t reproduce this behavior in my lab nor on the POVs where I‘m working on atm. Please open a ticket, to get them tracked properly.
We did some more digging — we dont have consistent results. We do have serious instability problems. We have opened a ticket.
There are several issues we see with latest UMS and Latest release of IGEL 0S
1. cant store the UMS registry controls because the /mirror partition cannot be managed by /dev/mapper — appears to be a mount bug
2. For some reason, it appears that remote ICG clients are receiving the intranet name of the UMS server the ICG name — we are still validating that this is the case with network sniffers
Have the same issue:
UMS 6.05.110, same with X.X.100
ICG 2.01.110
IGEL OS 11.04.136
Can you check if your ICG Linux Server probably has been patched during the last few weeks and this is the reason for this issue happening now? Just an idea
I will check that
I fixed that for me. I have restartet the icg service
I would check if an update to 6.05.110 / 2.02.100 might help on a long term @member
Update is planned
That a look at this thread.
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