Hi, we are trying to update igel devices via icg for the first time and we have some weird problems. Most devices are having no problems updating the firmware over the internet, but some of them just fail and show the error message that our “igel-file” server is not reachable. When the college brings the igel to us we can’t replicate the problem. One college at home noticed that the igel ,having a problem, tried to download the update while the lan connection was not even established. Is there a best-practice to update igel devices that are used in homeoffice ? Thanks in advance !

are we speaking of OS11? Are the updates hosted on a separate Server or on UMS?
Oh, yeah. Sorry for not mentioning the os. Yes. They are all os11 devices. We are hosting the os files with a waf that is a reverse proxy for our igelums server.
Could you try to host one update externally and check if the error goes away? this would be a more supported way to get your updates 🙂
Some additional notes:
Thanks for the advice. I will try to find some server that we can use to host the firmware updates on.
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