Hi All, when downloading the IgelOS 11.08.360 from the UMS Universal Firmware Update, the client on Igel OS 10 give the error that no LXIV.* files are found. When lookin into the directory, it only shows LXOS files.

How can i resolve this issue? Below, you can find the config profile used for the upgrade attached:
Thank you for your advice!
did you followed this guide? kb.igel.com/igelos-11.08.330/en/upgrading-from-igel-os-10-to-igel-os-11-88018983.html
Yes sir!
I do see the section Note on IZ Devices
The IZ devices listed below can be upgraded to IGEL OS 11. To upgrade your IZ devices to IGEL OS 11, please contact your IGEL sales representative. See also www.igel.com/os11migration/.
What kind of impact does this have? We have only IZ3 devices.
Ooooooh, an IZ… This is mostly blocked due to the licensing. There, the easiest way would be to reflash by using the OSC, not migrating old settigs and assign a fresh WE license.
Thanks!! Will proceed that way. Have a nice day!
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