Hey, guys! I am having an issue at one of our locations that when a user disconnects the Citrix session on igel and log into a different igel it just stays on a black screen. They are on 10.5.100 firmware. Any thoughts?

Hey @member whats your Citrix environment? There are some known issues in later 7.x versions around this.
We have had that issue recently in our 6.5 environment. Usually we find that ending cmd.exe in their session allows them to login. We usually then have to reboot that server to keep it from happening to every session after that one on that server. We haven’t been troubleshooting it too much due to being in the process of moving to XA/XD 7.
We think there must have been a recent Windows update that caused it to start happening.
I have seen this in 10.05.100 as well. I saw a fix referenced in private build 10.05.120 – igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C8GP9JHQE/p1542989060203500 – so I assume this is a known issue.
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