Hi all! Does anybody knows what that problem means (user can’t login UMS)

jave.security.NoSuchAlgorithmExecption: Error constructing implementation…
Hi, can you login as DB User? Which UMS Version?
This is the msg, just a second
UMS 6.05.100
For my user is working ok, but for another no (maybe after version upgrade, I am not shure…)
Is it an AD or local UMS User?
AD user
and works normally till now, also he can normally log in to another app
Can you try to remove the AD User from UMS User management and re-import him?
The same thing after re-import
Is there any helpful information in IGELRemoteManagerrmguiserverlogs, Catalina Logs?
i have only install.log
On the UMS Server, you might only be your console locally.
I am looking…
there is no record for trying to connect:/
I found the problem, user have problem with Citrix session
Oh, great to hear!
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