Good morning everyone,
the following problem continues and that is that we start via Citrix, a GoToMeeting session, but do not get a picture via the webcam.

Multimedia redirection
HDX RealTime Webcam redirection
HDX RealTime Media Engine
IGEL OS 11-11.04.270
Webcam Logitech C170
is active.
For testing purposes we have set lower values for width and height on the HDX webcam and got a picture, but the quality is very bad.
Does anyone have a solution for me?
Kind regards
Good morning Ercan, are you using only Gtm?
If yes, I would only enable Webcam redirection, and disable:
RTME, Native USB Redirection (if enabled).
How are you testing the Webcam? Don’t forget please that only 32 bits are supported on TS/VDI side.
Hi Sebastien,
not only GoTo.
I ́m testing it, with the GoTo Desktop App and Web App.
And there, only 32 bit?
The desktop app itself (x86).
Can you access the webcam by using a 32bit Browser like Chromium on VDI / TS Side? This site is pretty helpful:
Hello Sebastien,
I tested it on the page you suggested, however I don’t get an image there either.
What else could it be?
Hello Ercan,
could you provide screenshots of your Settings under HDX Multimedia, Unified Communication, Native USB Redirection?
Thanks! Can you test the webcam locally in a Firefox? Does it work there?
Good morning Sebastien,
unfortunately I can’t test it locally via Firefox as the version seems to be very outdated. 🙁
Good morning Ercan, what do you mean by outdated?
Locally, a very old version of Firefox is on it.
I can hardly or not at all access websites for testing.
That‘s surprising… Can you use Chromium instead?
You are on 11.04.240, right? Could try the update to .270 just to avoid some other issues.
Hi Sebastien, i ́ve tested it locally with Chromium. The Webcam works locally on Chromium. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
So it must be related to a config somewhere…
Please disable everything in your profiles beside Multimedia Redirection and Webcam Redirection, reset the device to factory defaults, assign only this profile and your Citrix Session.
Start the session, open a 32bit browser and open the webcam test site.
Please check on Citrix policy side, that:
HDX webcam video compression requires that the following machine policy settings are enabled (all are enabled by default).
Multimedia conferencing
Windows Media Redirection
are on.
Thank you. I will try this.
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