Are there any other SQL Server requirements for a new environment (external DB in an AlwaysOn AG) outside of SQL version? Our standard SQL builds are 2 vCPU/8GB RAM. Any estimates on DB sizing, too?

Yes, please don’t use active directory user for the DB login process (even if it’s mandantory for the dynamic loadbalancing of Microsoft), use a local SA User.
On the sizing, here is, what I follow:
The following numbers are a rough estimation about the disk usages of UMS database elements:
calculate 10-14 MB per firmware
~100 KB per profile (depends on number of activated parameters)
~100 KB per thin client (depends on number of activated parameters)
UMS internal logging (event messages, log messages, job executions, shared workplace login history, admin task history, ..) increase over time
Other factores affecting the database size
Database log files: the size of the database log file vary over time any may increase to several 100 MBs during excessive database operations (e.g. ‘Remove unused firmwares’)
When you say to use a local SA user, are you referring to the datasource connection? I was going to create the DB following these instructions, right down to the local account:
Perfect! That‘s what we need!
Before I submit my request to our build team, I’ve seen both 2 vCPU/4 GB RAM and 4 vCPU/8 GB RAM suggested for UMS servers. If we’re going with two load-balanced UMS servers, is 2/4 going to be sufficient for small/medium sized implementations? I doubt we’ll get anywhere near 1000 endpoints, but I can’t rule it out.
I would go for 2vCPUs and 8Gb Ram. That would make more sense to me, since we are allocating more Memory since the brand new 6.03.100.
Much appreciated, as always!
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