when assigning an profile to an IGEL what does Now or Next reboot mean

Hey yall,

when assigning an profile to an IGEL, I can choose between “Now” and “Next Reboot”.

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When I select NOW and then press ok. With some profiles, the IGEL restarts instantly. Can you somehow deactivate that, because it disconnects the CTX Session and sometimes crashes it.

Does enabling this option, and restarting console, fix it for you?

`Always apply settings on next boot (Default)`

kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.10/en/menu-bar-of-the-igel-ums-console-57321119.html kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.10/en/menu-bar-of-the-igel-ums-console-57321119.html

Dont want to do that, because some Profiles dont require a restart.

Oh, I thought that was your question?

No, the question is, when I Assign a Profile and select now. Then with some profiles the IGEL instantly restarts. I dont want that.

I think “apply on boot” is the safest option, exactly due to the behaviour you’ve seen. There are no “smarts” in UMS that will know if the changes you are applying to the endpoint will require the endpoint to terminate some sessions to make your desired changes effective immediately.

So some changes will cause this behaviour, and others will not. Unfortunately it depends on the nature of the change and how the endpoint applies it.

This is the reason why I never force any setting changes down to endpoints…it could terminate running sessions. Unless it’s a device that I’m testing. I’ll let the changes apply when the unit is rebooted for the most part.

Hope that helps.

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