Where can I change the device specific commands in IGEL UMS if I open the context menu of client?

Hi, where can I change (remove & add) the device specific commands in UMS if I open the context menu of client? Thx.

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It’s not possible to change the commands in the context menu. What are you trying to do?

Hi, the only things you could set are located in Access Control:

kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.04/en/object-related-access-rights-26035980.html kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.04/en/object-related-access-rights-26035980.html

but they are greyed out, not removed

We have there commands. Where do they come from? We don’t want them or at least be able to modify.

I don‘t get your point. Please send a screenshot to show us what you would like to modify/remove.

Where do they come from? How to remove them?

These are for 3rd-party solutions – you don’t need to worry about them unless you are using Login PI or Jabra headsets

From the Knowledge Base:

> Deploy Jabra Xpress package: Installs a kb.igel.com/igelos-11.01.100/en/jabra-xpress-23512133.html Jabra Xpress package.

> Start Login PI launcher: Starts Login PI Launcher if it has been configured, see kb.igel.com/igelos-11.03.100/en/login-pi-launcher-in-igel-os-24385581.html Login PI Launcher in IGEL OS.

(taken from kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.04/en/commands-for-jobs-26035685.html)

Still, we want to understand where do they come from (From update UMS?) and what if we want to clear that list or change it without restricting access to that object?

Yes, it is part of the UMS. What version were you on previously?

> what if we want to clear that list or change it without restricting access to that object?

That’s not possible, these options are preset by IGEL.

Thank you very much for the clarification.

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