Hey Guys where do I find the IMI PowerShell Cmdlets higher 1.03.100 on the download page is only the 1.02.100

Hey Till:
that was quick. thanks 😄
hijacking this thread to tell that my PSIGEL Powershell module will be released in a new version hopefully by end of this week (maybe end of next week)- addressing problems with i.e. TLS-protocols
is there a way to set attributs for a thinclient with the api? Something like the asset-ID.
yes: kb.igel.com/igelimi-v3/en/put-v3-thinclients-tcid-2723464.html or via github.com/IGEL-Community/PSIGEL/blob/master/Docs/Update-UMSThinclient.md, wenn my update is ready 😉
ah ok thanks. I saw your snapin on github. it is pretty useful. I was only confused by the module from IGEL direct because the thinclient object has for each Attribut a get and set option. This dose not make sense to me (eg. for id) , beside the set option is not really working. I think I will wait for your update. then I don’t have to do the web-request by myself.
when my PR with the updated module is online, it will be shown in #community-code
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