Hi Everyone, We use a CP for Cisco Anyconnect and I am looking to remove old Anyconnect connections from the endpoint devices. Aside from going onto each device and removing the .xml file does anyone have an idea on how these could be removed? The old files were removed out of our environment but I think they are still cached on the devices.

Where is the file located? Is it part of the /custom or /wfs folder?
Then create a profile with a command to remove it.
The files are located in /custom.
So what is the logic around when to remove them? If you can flow out what you would manually do, I can write a script to automate it. Then add to your CP Profile as a final desktop command.
I am still learning in the IGEL environment so your help is much appreciated. I’m not 100 percent on what would be necessary here but from manual removal I have been able to go to go to opt/cisco/anyconnect/profiles and do ls -l to find the files on the devices. There are a handful of possible files to remove, IT_Security.xml.xml, ITSupport.xml.xml, MillsVPN.xml.xml, and VendorVPN.xml.xml. I am just doing a rm and the file name to remove them individually for testing. I am thinking removal on reboot could work.
Then a command like this (note: edit for your needs — and the full path in /custom)
“`find /custom/your_cp_name/opt/cisco/anyconnect/profiles -type f ( -name “IT_Security.xml” -o -name “ITSupport.xml” -o -name “MillsVPN.xml” -o -name “VendorVPN.xml” ) | xargs rm“`
Thank you! I’ll give it ago and let you know!
That seems to have done the trick! Thank you.
Excellent! Thanks for the update.
One other question that I’m not sure if you can assist with. The anyconnect drop down menu contains an extra space. So it has the connection we want plus an extra space I am trying to remove. Are you familiar with the CP for anyconnect and how to remove that extra blank space?
Sorry, I am not.
No worries. Thank you again 🙂
Hi Ron,
I was working on the issue of the extra space. It looks to be a symbolic link located at the same path /custom/anyconnect/opt/cisco/anyconnect/profile
Is there an additional line of script that can be added to the final desktop command for the CP to removed that symbolic link? I don’t want to remove the file that link points to, just the link itself as it’s creating an extra space we don’t want.
Take a look at the init script that links things in…
Some notes here:
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