Hi, there is a way to auto register new IGEL devices to UMS and place them in the right profile group but I can’t find where to config this. I found the Automatic Registration in Thin Client Network Settings but where do I config in which profile folder the Igel has to come?

Hi, It’s called Default directories, under UMS Administration
Did you meant that?
Yes, I think so. Will play with this the next days. My goal is that our clients don’t have to call their It guy or our Servicedesk for adding new Igels to UMS. Just power it out of the box and (maybe after a reboot) goooooo! 😉
should work this way…
But, do I have to enable the Automatic Registration also or is working with the Default Directories enough?
No, but it would makes sense. If not you would have to import new Endpoints by csv or manual creation
Yes, but when using Automatic Registration; how does it search for new Igels and can I adjust the time for that search (how often it searches) or am I thinking the wrong way?
@member almost every step should be described there!
Nice, got me some reading to do 🙂. But thanks for the help
I use is as well true A record works perfectly
and in UMS you can point them to a specific group
only thing you have to keep in mind that latency is some times a issue on your network and the igel (linux) boots really fast
so the setup page will be displayed and i have noticed that i have to reboot again for the auto enr to trigger
Another way is to import all ThinClients after you bought them. The seller (or Igel) can provide a list with all ThinClients you received. This way you can also put them in different folders if necessary. (Of course only valid if you bought Igel Hardware)
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