Hello, is it possible that an IGEL client will reboot itself at an specific time? Our customer is saying that this is happening
Yes and no. Possible reasons:
Post Session Command Reboot: a session was interrupted and the action let the device reboot
UMS Job that reboots the endpoint
Cron/SystemD Job that reboots on schedule
Hardware defect (rare but possible)
Is the customer able to give some more infos?
Not yet! Just asked the collegue where i got this from if possible to get more info just asked if there are more devices involved
The things i checked yesterday, there are more machines that the customer claimed that they rebooted at an specific time! What i did was checking in the UMS if there is an job active no job is active also in the UMS the machines are an long time active 20 days or so so what i will do is asking the customer to make an video of the machine rebooting maybe it’s the server connection that is dropping
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