Anyone successfully implemented BSB Topaz pads on the publish app version of IGEL?

Hi everyone, has anyone successfully implemented BSB Topaz pads on the publish app version of IGEL? Model: Topaz TLB460BSVR.

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We have customers using this –>

Topaz devices work great with Citrix. They have a very detailed list on their website of which signature pads are compatible with Citrix and which are not. For the ones that are compatible, they have documentation on their website for passing it through to XenApp or XenDesktop.

Thank you. Do you mind to share your profile settings to accomplish this workflow?

Thank you for the share. On our IGEL side we have the PID and VID added to the Native USB Redirection section under Citrix. Do you have this similar setup? Also any Citrix policies or any specific drivers outside of these?

Just follow Topaz Citrix document for setup.

Thanks will do. As for the .xmls did you just add both of these to the IGEL devices?

Not both… just gave some examples I found.

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